My name is Larry Dubia. I have been turning for approximately 18 years. Starting with pens and bottle stoppers and moving on to bowls, vases, and other artwork. My demo for the Bruin Country Woodturners will be a sphere. There are three ways to accomplish this. All three will be discussed while only one will be used.
When & Where
Our general body meeting is on Saturday, July 13th, from 9 - 11 AM. The demo will be during the second half of the meeting. Please come to the Santa Clara High School Woodshop.
Meeting agenda:
Welcome & general topics of discussion
Show and Tell
Who are invited to attend
If you are a member of BCW, you are invited to attend this demo and meeting.
If you are a family or friend of any BCW member, you are invited to attend this demo and meeting.
If you have taken a wood turning or wood working class (or classes) through the Santa Clara Adult Education, you are invited and encouraged to attend this demo and meeting.
Is there a fee to attend?
Directions to SCHS Woodshop
The address is 3000 Benton St., Santa Clara. The entrance to the woodshop is through the rightmost entrance (black gate) on Benton St. Once you enter the gate, drive all the way straight until you see the woodshop on the left. Please note that you will not be able to get to the woodshop if you enter through any other entrance to the school. Park anywhere near the woodshop.